Weather station

The weather at Lagunen right now

Welcome to Lagunen’s own weather station! Here, you can find a lot of information about today’s weather, such as wind, rain, sun, air temperature, water temperature, and much more! What will the weather be like today?

Air temperature

Right now


Water temperature

At the dock



during the day

0,0 mm


Right now

0,0 m/s

Wind direction

right now


Sun hours

So far today

0,0 h

Get the total overview!

Are you interested in even more weather data? Then you can get the complete overview with a lot of weather data for today by clicking on the link below!

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Live on the West Coast year-round

At Lagunen, you can live on the West Coast year-round. Here, you can witness the Kosterhavet National Park in all seasons: the glistening light of spring, the salt-scented winds of summer, the powerful waves of autumn, and the crisp frost covering the bay in winter. On the West Coast, you will always find something to do, no matter when during the year you yearn for extraordinary experiences. At Lagunen, you are close to discovering all the hidden gems of Bohuslän, and you can live comfortably on your terms.