Self check-in

Quick and easy check-in

It is quick and easy to check in at Lagunen. As soon as you arrive, you can use the self check-in machine outside our reception to immediately gain access to the site. If you have pre-booked, the self check-in is fast and easy to use.

You can also use this option if you arrive while our reception is closed, or to avoid having to queue at the reception desk to check in or out. Self check-in is available all day until 11:00pm. When the reception is open, you can obviously choose to check in or out here instead.

Check-in for drop ins

  • Select “check in”
  • Choose type of accommodation (camper or cottage)
  • Your Lagunen card is printed
  • Tap your Lagunen card to open the key box
  • Take the folder marked “drop in”

Check-in with booking

  • Select “Find booking”
  • Enter your booking number
  • Your Lagunen card is printed
  • Tap your Lagunen card to open the key box
  • Take the folder with your name on it